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Project Management
Project Management

Project Management


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Project management skills are fast becoming one of the most important business knowledge sets and are essential for achieving project success for a wide range of people. Projects are also being used to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, improve the work environment and in all areas where a change is needed.

This 2-day Skills for Project Managers course has been designed to provide skills to those who have been given the responsibility for projects, allowing them to achieve objectives faster, more effectively, on time and with fewer resources.

Classroom-Based: R 6, 700 Excl. VAT | Blended Learning: R 4, 200 Excl. VAT

This Programme is aligned to Unit Standards 252022 (8 credits) and 252032 (8 credits) in the Generic Management Level 5 Qualification.


Course Outcomes

A step-by-step approach to planning the project, using project scheduling techniques to get to an achievable, effective project timeline

Working effectively with the resources and teams

Managing, monitoring and motivating a project team

Monitoring budgets and deadlines

Managing your risk during the project, including identification of high risk tasks, and the preparation of contingency plans


Admission Requirements

  • Communication at NQF Level 3
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 3



Duration: 2 Days